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Asphalt Maintenance
Patchmaster Sealcoating & Roofing Sealing services both Residential and Commercial asphalt. We are a asphalt contractor and provide services for Asphalt Sealcoating, Cold Pour Crack Fill, Hot Rubber Crack Fill, Patch Work and Striping. We hand brush every driveway to ensure a professional appearance and a thick coat of sealer. We also offer a spraying application for larger parking lots. From Hershey to Sinking Springs Pennsylvania.
We are here for you Before, During and After the Project
At Patchmaster Sealcoating & Roofing we use only quality material mixed to the manufacturer specifications because we want our projects to last to their full potential. We are a local company and will be here for you before, during and after the project. We stand behind our work and will be there if you have any questions or concerns at any time during or after the project.
Patch Work
We also provide services for any asphalt repair that you may need. We offer cold patch asphalt repair as well as hot asphalt repair.
Cold Patch is more economical for the homeowner but does not last as long as hot asphalt repair. To perform a cold patch repair first we remove all loose asphalt in the area. Next we clean out the area of any debris such as loose rocks, dust or crumbling asphalt. We then pour the cold patch in the area and smooth it out. The last step in the process is tamping the patch. Tamping the patch ensures that it is compacted and flat with surrounding asphalt. It should be noted that this is not a permanent fix to the asphalt. Cold Patches typically last for a year or two and will need replaced when the cold patch starts to wear away.
Hot Asphalt Repair requires a more in depth procedure than cold patch repair. First we start with saw cutting out the damaged asphalt in the desired area. The next step is to clean out any debris from the area and apply a tack coat so the hot asphalt used in the next step will adhere properly. Then we pour hot asphalt into the area and spread it flat. We then use a roller to compact and smooth the asphalt. We ask that all car traffic be avoided on hot asphalt repair for at least 24 hours so it has plenty of time to set up and no tire marks are made in the asphalt during the curing process.
Why Sealcoat My Driveway?
Sometimes we get asked the question, why sealcoat my driveway? There are many reasons that you should seal your driveway! As time passes your driveway is exposed to many factors that cause damage such as : Sun, Rain, Freeze/Thaw cycles, Salts, Gas, Oil and every day use of vehicles. These elements will gradually break down your driveway and cause cracking, potholes and eventually crumbling and failure of the asphalt. At Patchmaster Sealcoating & Roofing we help prolong the life of your driveway and add to the curb appeal of your home. Driveways are expensive, so give us a call and we will help make yours last!
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